Saturday, December 5, 2015
Hot Toys Thanos - Guardians of the Galaxy - 1/6 MMS280 video review
Here the video review on Thanos. I can't deny the flaws on the visible joints and the LED switch placement on the rock throne - it feels a bit rushed and no idea why Hot Toys has not founda better solution. It would have been so easy to just paint the feet joints / ankles just golden instead of blue for example.
Hot Toys Thanos - Guardians of the Galaxy - 1/6 MMS280 photo gallery
The mad titan Thanos has arrived. Impressive piece by Hot Toys but has also some flaw. Review later this weekend. For now some photos:
Lots more after the jump. Including comparison to Gamora and AoU Hulk.
Lots more after the jump. Including comparison to Gamora and AoU Hulk.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 43 XXLIII - Avengers Age of Ultron - 1/4 QS005 - video review and more photos
This is a definitive milestone for Hot Toys - the latest Iron Man Mark 43 1/4 is a work of art and at the same time a fully poseable high-end collectible, extending all features of the smaller 1/6 figures. Enjoy the vid review and lots more photos. Also check out the first on this release showing off the landing pose.
Comparison with the 1/6 Mark 43 by Hot Toys:
Comparison with the 1/6 Mark 43 by Hot Toys:
Lots more photos after the jump.
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 43 XXLIII - Avengers Age of Ultron - 1/4 QS005 - landing pose gallery
Finally in. The first 1/4 Iron Man collectible by Hot Toys - and it's a beast. Full review on youtube is coming up. In the meantime enjoy these photos on the landing pose - I'll give a short overview how to get the figure in this epic pose in the video. The box itself is a work of art as well - it oozes quality allover. Feeling like a child on christmas morning right now. :) Cheers!
Friday, November 13, 2015
POP Toys Girl Clan Ranger aka Sweet Pea of Sucker Punch 1/6 photo gallery & GIVEAWAY
Enjoy some photos of the recently reviewed POP Toys Girl Clan "Ranger" figure, aka Sweet Pea of the movie Sucker Punch. Please don't forget to enter by free giveaway on youtube. All info in the video, see below:
Lots of more photos after the jump.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
POP Toys Girl Clan Ranger aka Sweet Pea of Sucker Punch 1/6 review & giveaway
I reached 5000 subscribers on youtube, what a milestone! Thank you for all the support in the past years. It's pure coincidence but earlier this month the 1/6 producer POP Toys contacted me. They sent me a figure to review it for them and get the word out on a latest product. I could not deny this offer and now decided to share this reward directly with my community on youtube. So feel free to see my video review on the latest POP Toys 1/6 Ranger figure aka Sweet Pea from the movie sucker punch (Girl Clan series GF-01). At the end you'll have the chance to enter a raffle to win this figure for free. You can enter until next wednesday 18th November 2015. What to do?
1. Subscribe to my channel:
2. Like this video
3. Comment down below and explain how you would display this figure in your collection
1. Subscribe to my channel:
2. Like this video
3. Comment down below and explain how you would display this figure in your collection
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 - Striker Mark XXV 1/6 MMS277 video and photo review
Today I present you the Striker suit of Hot Toys Iron man 3 line, also known as Mark XXV. A suit that is orginally designed for construction work. Hot Toys did an amazing job recreating this suit in 1/6 scale. The paint application is unbelievable! Check out some photos and a video review.
Lots more photos after the jump.
Lots more photos after the jump.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Ikea Detolf LED Kit "Downlighter" by
I acquired a custom made LED light up kit for the Ikea detolf glass cabinets. You can get this and more variants from Dave of . Since Ikea has switched their Ikea dioder led kit to a warm color temperature a lot of us collectors were looking for alternatives. This custom product now totally covers the needs.

- available in cold white or warm light
- easy to install and setup, no additional tools need
- in the package you'll find:
- 4 LED bars
- frame / rails for the cables (grey plastic covers with tape to attach)
- power supply adapter
- on / off switch module
- cables are very well hidden
- works for left and right door hinge setup (order the correct one)
The installation is super easy: You'll place the kit directly between the metal frame rod and the outer glass shelf. After a dry run just peel off the tape and fix it in place. Then attach the 4 LED bars to the different power connectors coming out of the grey plastic cover rails. The power supply leaves the frame at the bottom just next to the door - then you can pull the power cables underneath the detolf and connect it to the mains.
Super clean setup - defiantely will get more kits of this product.

Saturday, September 26, 2015
Hot Toys Maria Hill - Avengers: AoU - 1/6 MMS305 exclusive - video review and photos
Another Marvel update for my 1/6 collection. I decided to get this years toy fair exclusive of Hot Toys Avengers Age of Ultron line: Maria Hill. And she turned out super sweet. The headsculpt is a real beauty and they captured Cobie Smulders perfectly. Only drawback i see with the figure is the limited posability of the feet or boots. These are just solid pieces and also not balanced good enough. But other than that: a must for every Avengers fan.
Video review:
More photos after the jump incl. comparison with Black Widow.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Hot Toys Hulk Deluxe Set - Avengers: AoU - 1/6 MMS287 - video review and photos
We got a new Avengers Hulk in - it's Hot Toys second incarnation of Hulk for the movie Avengers 2 , Age of Ultron. The paintjob on this figure will lead to big discussions - but you can't deny the quality of execution in terms of the paint and sculpting quality by Hot Toys. Be sure to get the deluxe set since you'll get another "smashing body" and a cool angry face. Check out some photos and comparison shots with HT first Hulk. And as always a video with some further comparisons and box shots (the box is massive, almost 2 normal boxes tall and wide!).
More photos after the jump.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark III - 1/6 MMS256 D07 - video review and photos
Finally I got my hands on a Mark III, its Hot Toys latest diecast release and the third Mark III of this company after many years of the first 2 releases. Unfortunately there are still lots of plastic parts on this figure, so call it a diecast is really a bit borderline. Especially the abs section is all plastic and not even with an articulation. So they give you a secondary piece that allows you to do the "landing pose", which is a "safe" way to do and it works like a charm with the replacement part. I understand there are some limitations in terms of articulation and diecast parts, but i think they could have done more. But overall this is a very solid a nice release, especially for those never owned a mark III before. The paintjob brought up some discussion but I think the cherry or candy apple red still is the correct choice compared to the suit up scene in Iron Man 1. Oh...and important fact: you can definately close the gap between shoulder and torso with the shoulder pad armor, they are very flexible and can cover the gap.
Enjoy some photos and a video review.
Enjoy some photos and a video review.
More photos after the jump.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Hot Toys Hawkeye - Avengers Age of Ultron - 1/6 MMS289 video and photo review
I got Hawkeye in from Hot Toys Avengers Age of Ultron line. Solid figure and definately better than the original Avengers 1 release. Decide for yourself.
Video review:
More photos after the jump.
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